Auteur: admin

“Touching people with paint makes my day”

MB-Motoren in Klazienaveen: it’s a beautiful shop for the motorcycle fan, where all tastes are catered for and the prices suit all pockets. Owner Maurice Boerland is justifiably proud. There was only one little problem with the building. The long grey wall in the interior was a kind of unadorned. Hanging up large photographs on…

They are both guitarists of different bands, but they’re also the two owners of the same business. And for the identity of their store they mixed their names: Harald Gillis and Douwe Sterkenburg form ‘Gilster Music’, a shop full of instruments in Veenoord where every musician feels at home… That’s also the case with ‘SRV’!…

“This painting was given to the famous Tour the France winner, Joop Zoetemelk on his 70th birthday”

Have you ever met a woman or girl who doesn’t like George Clooney?! Well, Simone, owner of the hairdressing salon ‘Kapsolo’, is convinced that the womanizer is a real hit in the view of the feminine gender. That suits her very splendidly, because most of her costumers are women. The relative new salon – which…

Ellen ten Damme, an artist from Holland, receives a painting from Paul. It is hanging now in her appartement in Amsterdam.

Artcle from the Zuidoosthoeker Emmenaren of the year were a team of people which are organising a great festival in Emmen called Retropop wich is attracting 12.000 people every year. Here is the painting which Paul has made of them for this award.

Here is Paul front of his new serie paintings, Moviestars

Right from the start as the song ‘Killer Queen’ conquered The Netherlands in the year ‘74, Queen became mom’s band, Freddy Mercury her star.