Restoration of soccer canteen SC Erica

april 16, 2011 admin

The canteen of SC Erica has to be renovated, but there is always a lack of money. Therefore the committee of the club organised an auction. The response was enormous. The local shopkeepers offered their wares, a few kids made an work of (SC Erica-) art, other die-hards gave their own special football-valuables away, figurehead of the club Tjibbe Duursma was prepared to shave his lifetime-beard, and last but not least Rene Hake (trainer of FC Emmen with a lot of contacts in the professional world of football) brought all the shirts of national well-known players in. He also succeeded in getting an autograph of Dennis Bergkamp on the painting! He and Dennis are mates (they did the same training college in Zeist) and the former star player assured Rene that he was unable to come, unfortunately, but he’d really liked to be there on that Saturday night … to inflate the price ( ) Still, the auction fetched a great deal of money: 31.000, – euro!